Mikayla arrived on Monday, December 7th at 3:05 PM. She weighed 7 lbs and 2 oz and is 20 inches long. The labor and birth were surprising and unlike any of my other four. We believe that the difficulty was in that she presented 'military' style, with her chin forward and looking straight ahead instead of tucked and presenting the crown first. The labor was hard and furious and the birth came off with out complication for the baby, but I hemorhaged pretty well and am required to be flat in bed, leaving for NOTHING until I can rebuild some of the blood loss and regain my strength.
As we had all suspected, I was unable to get to the hospital. I have a history of four home births previously, a couple extremely fast, but there was a point in the furious labor that I was saying I should have scheduled a cesarean and that I wanted an epidural! On the other side of it, I am just thankful that the midwife was there and provided her excellent care. The parents were able to make it into my bathroom (she was born in my jaquizzi tub) just seconds before their little girl was born. I repeatedly aplogized to the mother for being loud and screaming(we had previously discussed this topic and I told her that in my previous births, I was quiet).
My dear man was of impressive fortitude and compassion as he tended to all of my needs, never taking his hands off of me. I truly could not have made it through without him as he held my bowl and hair as I vomited, and as I cried and swore I could not make it through. As I pushed and pushed and screamed, Don re-assured me at every turn although I can only guess how frightening it must have been for him to see me like that. I am so truly blessed with an amazing man........
When the cord had stopped pulsing, it was cut and I was able to hand this sweet little girl over to her parents. As I lay in the tub, gazing at such a sacred site of these parents accepting their daughter with joy and love and appreciation, I felt so fulfilled and know that whatever I have gone through, beginning to now, it has been a worthy journey that I will take to my grave.
As I lay here in bed, I thank God for his hand in it all.